Trauma Informed Massage Therapy
We know trauma impacts each person differently. But we also know some very common symptoms include fatigue, anxiety, depression, sleep disruptions, muscle tension, sexual reactivity, and dissociation.
Massage therapy, when provided by a trauma informed body worker:
helps regulate the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems of the body.
decreases pain and fatigue in the body.
provides a non sexual, safe touch experience to combat dissociation and sexual reactivity.
increases quality sleep.
lowers anxiety and depression.
improve overall mood and outlook.
Trauma Informed Massage Therapists do this through a trust building intake session, followed by non sexual, safe touch in a therapeutic setting, and ending with an education focused out take session. Each step provides opportunities for the client to feel more in control and safe in their own body.
Trauma support is sitting with a person while they experience an activated or triggered emotion without providing a solution or encouraging response. Trauma Therapy is providing healthy solutions, skills, and encouragement to process these feelings.
I am a Trauma Support Provider, not a Trauma Therapist. Which is why I lean heavily on my list of resources to provide my clients what I can not.